
I hear you

I hear you Men just don’t listen when Women just want to be heard. Men generally want to fix the problem when Women just want them to listen. Men hurt women with their words and Women never forget. So much is said about the challenges men and women have communicating with each other. There are…
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Stuck in the Friend Zone

Stuck in the Friend Zone How many of us have gotten stuck in the Friend Zone? You know that relationship that took a turn for friendship that you hoped would be more. Eddie Murphy made us laugh about the Friend Zone in Raw, but for most of us this is not a laughing matter. If…
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Too Much, Too Little, Too Late

Too Much, Too Little, Too Late Have you ever felt trapped in a dead end relationship? Has the romance faded so much over time that you don’t see how to get it back? Are there just too many burned bridges for you to go back to the happiness you once shared? Can you identify with…
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Does he pass the relationship test?

Does he pass the relationship test? In the honeymoon phase of relationships, things are perfect. People are typically on their best behavior. They say and do all the right things. They are attentive, passionate and sensitive to your needs. Then, they change. The newness and excitement wears off. You finally find out who they really…
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